Why is Kamagra Viagra dangerous

Why is Kamagra Viagra dangerous ?

If Kamagra ( Generic Viagra ) is taken without a prescription, it can be extremely harmful. The effect of Kamagra Viagra Generic can be affected by a variety of medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle choices.

As a result, a drug should not be deemed categorically appropriate for anyone until it has been evaluated by a physician.

The Super Kamagra 160 Generic has a number of drawbacks.

  • On their official website, there is very little useful material.
  • Kamagra’s exact ingredients are undisclosed.
  • Kamagra has not been subjected to any clinical trials to determine its safety and efficacy.
  • There is insufficient evidence of Kamagra’s effectiveness and protection.
  • The European Medicines Agency has not authorised Kamagra.

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