Careprost VS Latisse

Careprost VS Latisse


Careprost is clinically tested, and customer proved. The high-performance eyelash formula promises to enhance the look of your eyelashes within a few weeks of regular and correct application.

Careprost Eye Drops is a prostaglandin analog that is utilized for the treatment of expanded liquid weight inside the eye (intraocular hypertension) and open-point glaucoma, a dynamic condition that may eventually lead to vision loss.

The topical ophthalmic type of this medication is utilized for the treatment of insufficient amount of eyelashes (hypotrichosis), it enlarges their length, thickness, and darkness. This drug isn’t suggested for use in patients underneath 16 years old.


Latisse solution is a growth treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or not enough eyelashes). It’s the first FDA-approved treatment clinically proven to grow lashes. And it’s the first lash growth product of its type available by prescription. So you’ll need to consult your doctor to see if it’s right for you.

Difference between Latisse and Careprost

The drugs Latisse and Careprost, which are nothing else than a sterile solution of bimatoprost, are absolutely identical both in composition and in the action exerted on the eyelashes.

Absolutely equivalent in efficiency, but a more affordable alternative to Latisse are funded Careprost (Sun Pharma). Both these products are identical to Latisse in terms of composition, the volume of packaging and even the name Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution; distinguish them from Latisse only brands.

It’s same, same active ingredients Bimatoprost 0.03% but careprost is Generic Brand and Latisse is a brand that’s why expensive.

Prices vary regionally, but the average cost of careprost has the lowest than Latisse.

Where to Buy ?

The Careprost is available online in a variety of stores. It has an ingredient called Bimatoprost, which is mainly responsible for making your eyelashes thick. Bimatoprost has been clinically tested to give results in just 4 to 6 weeks.

The Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution is used to treat hypotrichosis of eyelashes, meaning the problem of having sparse eyelashes. It is also used in the treatment of glaucoma. Bimatoprost is available in stores and online under the trade name of Careprost.

Buy it online and get it at a lower price. You can find it on the online store of Safe Generic Pharmacy. I order all my medications from this website. They are trustworthy and have a wide range of meds in their store.

Latisse – Side effects

The Latisse is a prescription product that you apply to your lash line to help your eyelashes grow longer and perhaps grow more lashes. But it may cause eyes were feeling dry and more prone to irritation.

You’ll need to commit to applying Latisse as long as you love your look. Once you stop using it, your lashes will return to their original length in a few months.

However, you may not be a candidate for it if you have certain eye problems (such as uveitis and conjunctivitis), the risk for macular edema, severe allergies or skin infections of the upper eyelids. Pregnant women shouldn’t use it, and nursing women may want to wait as well.

Because the active ingredient in Latisse lowers intraocular pressure, if you are already using IOP-lowering medications for ocular hypertension and/or glaucoma, you must tell your eye doctor before you try Latisse so he or she can monitor your eye pressure closely.

The side effects that occurred in the largest percentage of participants were eye redness (3.6 percent) and itchiness (also 3.6 percent).

Careprost – A Quality Product

Careprost has a unique effect on the growth of eyelashes. Its regular use increases the length and volume of eyelashes. It is the active ingredient Bimatoprost which affects the growth of eyelash hairs.

The pharmaceutical composition has a high penetrating ability, so when it gets into the hair pouch, it stimulates the growth of eyelashes.

Careprost (Bimatoprost) has another advantage that it is absolutely safe for women’s health since it’s not a hormonal drug. It is the ideal solution for a woman whose eyelashes falls off or grows slowly. The eye drops works tremendously to help restore the rich color, health, and strength of eyelashes.

The results will be visible after 3 to 4 weeks for regular application. The desired results will be expected by the 12th to 14th week of use. It is recommended to use every alternative day to maintain the desired growth.

So, there is no doubt that Careprost is the best and most effective eyelash enhancer on the market today.

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